Here is Justin and his friend Tyson going through their candy. Right before John and Justin were going to leave to Trick or Treat, Tyson called to see if Justin wanted to T or T with him, since they were coming to our area. Of course Justin said yes and they had a blast! Tyson's sister was at a boy/girl party and her Dad was a bit he asked if we could watch Tyson while he brought her to the party! The boys had a ball and then Brett, Tyson's dad, came by and we chatted for a while and the boys played!
Jacob and Tyson and their loot. They had fun trading candy!
Tyson (with Justin's prop) and Justin going out to trick or treat!
Jacob, my little munckin pumpkin! This is a costume Gram Gram got him and it was so cute!! I can't wait to have him go out next year! I was worried about him going in the cold, and then a lady came up with her little son and a 10 week old little pumpkin, so I guess it's not so bad! But since we didn't take Justin, Jacob will get to go next year I bet!